25/ JPMC raises capital to JD300 million
Amman, March 24 (Petra) – The Board of Directors of the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (JPMC) has approved the recommendation of the company’s general assembly to increase the company’s capital by capitalizing JD52.5 million from its retained earnings, which currently amount to JD1.333 billion. This increase represents 21.21% of the company’s authorized, subscribed, and paid-up capital. The amount will be distributed as bonus shares to shareholders. In a disclosure published on the Amman Stock Exchange website on Monday, the company stated that its authorized, subscribed, and paid-up capital will increase to JD300 million. This will be achieved by amending Article (7) of the company’s Articles of Association and Article (7) of its bylaws to state: "The company’s nominal, subscribed, and paid-up capital consists of JD300 million, divided into 300 million shares, each with a nominal value of 1JD." //Petra// AF
24/03/2025 21:40:54