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  22/ Sheikh Hussein region's underprivileged households receive 180 food parcels

Amman, July 25 (Petra) - Charity Campaign, implemented by the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), distributed 180 food parcels to underprivileged families in Sheikh Hussein region of ??the Northern Jordan Valley district.

This effort is part of the campaign’s programs and initiatives aimed at helping needy women-headed households, which battle difficult living and economic conditions, according to a campaign statement on Thursday.

The statement added that the assistance would also contribute to national efforts, aimed at improving the beneficiaries' living circumstances, especially in areas rated as poverty pockets in the Kingdom.

The packages were distributed at Princess Basma Development Center in Sheikh Hussein region, in the presence of the Governor of the Northern Jordan Valley District, Khaled Kasasbeh, and a number of local officials and dignitaries.
//Petra// AG

25/07/2024 15:56:52