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  21/ Jordan, Greece Explore Enhanced Investment Opportunities

Amman, July 25 (Petra) – Investment Minister Kholoud Saqqaf met with Greek Ambassador Irene Riga on Thursday to discuss strengthening investments and increasing investment rates between Jordan and Greece.

During the meeting, Saqqaf outlined the investment opportunities available to Greek companies entering the Jordanian market. She highlighted Jordan’s competitive investment legislation, skilled human resources, and numerous free trade agreements that link Jordan with a vast market of over 1.5 billion consumers.

The Ministry of Investment's statement detailed Saqqaf's presentation of benefits and incentives under the Investment Environment Law and opportunities announced on the invest.jo platform. Saqqaf assured that Greek companies would receive support in overcoming challenges, including aftercare services to streamline investment procedures and ensure success.

Riga acknowledged the strong economic and trade relations between Greece and Jordan, noting the potential for increased investment exchange.

She suggested that organizing visits for Greek business people and companies to Jordan could be beneficial for understanding local incentives and establishing economic projects.

//Petra// AO

25/07/2024 15:48:06