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  14/ Cabinet issues new decisions

Amman, July 24 (Petra) - A Cabinet session held Wednesday, headed by Prime Minister Dr. Bishr Khasawneh, approved the Student Support Fund in Public Universities Bylaw for the year 2024.

The bylaw aims to set the provisions to benefit from the fund's full and partial grants and loans and regulate the terms for its management, spending aspects and all related matters.

The system also sets the cases for suspending the fund's full and partial grants and loans, refund the disbursed amounts and the cases of exempting the beneficiary and his/her sponsor from the due cash.

Furthermore, the Council of Minsiters decided to approve the settlement and conciliation committee’s recommendations to reconsider pending cases between taxpayers (or violators) and Jordan Customs Department and settle 14 cases, provided these beneficiaries pay all the remaining dues or fees and taxes or costs within two months from the issuance of this decision.

On the other hand, the Council decided to refer the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Environment, Dr. Mohammad Khashashneh, to retirement.
//Petra// AG

24/07/2024 15:12:47