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  17/ JFDA Advises Medical Supervision for Iron infusions to Avoid Health Risks

Amman, July 21 (Petra) -Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) underlined the importance of administering intravenous iron infusions under medical supervision to ensure "correct" dosage and prevent potential health complications, primarily allergic reactions that may require emergency procedures due to the rare but serious risk to life.

In a statement issued Sunday, the JFDA detailed that allergic reactions can surface as mild symptoms, mainly skin rash, itching, redness, a feeling of warmth or tingling, slight swelling in the face or hands, shortness of breath or wheezing, while the acute symptoms can involve anaphylactic shock, mainly severe difficulty in breathing, rapid or irregular heartbeat, and significant drops in blood pressure.

The JFDA advised people, who suffered these symptoms after receiving an iron infusion, should immediately seek medical attention at the nearest hospital or emergency center.

//Petra// AO

21/07/2024 16:26:52